The UAE’s AMEA power reaches $600 million deal to build wind farm in Ethiopia

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Ethiopia has inked an agreement with AMEA Power of the United Arab Emirates for the development of a 300-megawatt wind farm, estimated at $600 million, as confirmed by the country’s finance ministry.

Ethiopia’s finance minister Ahmed Shide has inked an agreement with AMEA Power of the United Arab Emirates for the development of a 300-megawatt wind farm, estimated at $600 million.

In a bid to enhance electricity accessibility, particularly given the World Bank’s report indicating a 50% coverage for the population in 2020, Ethiopia is increasingly focusing on renewable energy initiatives.

The proposed Aysha wind farm is slated to occupy 18,000 acres of land in Ethiopia’s Somali region, generating approximately 2,000 employment opportunities throughout the construction and operational stages, according to the ministry’s statement.

Ethiopia has placed immense focus on energy production and distribution, but the efforts have been complicated by financing dilemmas. Although country maintains great potential in renewable energy the gap in funding has been a major constraint. The near completion of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, the biggest hydro-power plan in Africa is slated to boost energy supplies to a growing population and economy.

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