
War Begins
November 4, 2020:  While the world was focused on the American electoral contest between Biden and Trump, an armed group known as the Tigray People’s Liberation Front attacked federal troops of the Ethiopian northern command.
US Secretary of State Acknowledgement of Attack by TPLF

Mike Pompeo acknowledged the pre-meditated surprise attack by TPLF and urged immediate action to restore peace.

The “Tigray-Genocide” online campaign begins

Less than 24 hours after TPLF’s attack on Ethiopia’s Northern Command, i.e. start of the war, a twitter campaign of #TigrayGenocide appears. The swiftness with which the mantra spreads on social media is indication of a coordinated and prepared propaganda campaign. Moreover, since there was communication blackout in Tigray at the time, the campaign is 100% organized from outside of Ethiopia.