Prime Minister Abiy’s Risky Public Strolls Flaunt Security Norms

In recent weeks, Addis Ababa has seen an increase in public appearances by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, a move that raises significant concerns on his security protocol. While these frequent strolls may serve to project an image of tranquility in Ethiopia’s capital amidst broader regional tensions, they also expose a troubling disregard for safety. 

Abiy’s penchant for mingling with the public, often without the usual security entourage, puts him at unnecessary risk. The presence of threats from rebels and foreign agents targeting him and his administration cannot be ignored, particularly given the fact several leaders have already been assassinated in Ethiopia recently. His readiness to bypass established security measures suggests a concerning lack of influence from his chief of staff on critical safety matters.

During his early tenure from April 2018 to 2020, Abiy struggled to free himself from restrictive security measures imposed by guards loyal to the previous regime. Speaking to Parliament in 2021, he revealed this period as “one of imprisonment in a palace,” reflecting his frustrations with being constrained by those tasked with his protection. Abiy successfully used his public appeal as a tactic to free himself and his office during those early and dangerous months of transition, where many of his security detail were loyal to his forerunners, who were of course out to impede his work.

Those day are now long gone. Significant reforms have since been applied to the Republican Guard—Ethiopia’s secret service, now more professional and less politically motivated—the effectiveness of these measures remains in question however. Recent public outings, such as the PM’s walk from his residence to the science museum, seemed impromptu and inadequately secured, raising doubts about whether these events are properly vetted and approved by security officials. They indicate an abrupt decision by the PM to walk across a busy street, as guards tried catching up.

As Prime Minister Abiy continues to navigate these public appearances, the balance between demonstrating public confidence and ensuring his safety remains important. 

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